Monday, June 11, 2012

Look who's five months old!

Happy five month birthday, George!

Oh month five!  Yes, I’m aware G will be six months on Sunday, but I just have to post to finally be caught up on his monthly posts.  Here’s hoping the next six months will actually be on time. :)

So what is G loving this month…

His thumb!

G has never been a paci baby other than Lambie and Teddy, but suddenly he is all about sucking his thumb.  Not sure if this will continue (or even if it should), but it is just so darn cute.


Month five was filled with lots of visitors.  Aunt Amy, Uncle Caleb and cousins Ben and Asher visited, followed by Aunt Sarah and MeMo and then Oma and Poppa the very next weekend.  George is so loved and it means so much that our family travels to see this boy often.

His mama!

We celebrated my first Mother’s Day, and I was treated to this smiling face that morning.  This picture just melts my heart.  I love this baby more than I ever could imagine, and being his mama is truly my greatest joy.


This was his Easter outfit that I tried to get one more wear out of and probably as this pic was being taken, he split his pants.  The child loves his food and is constantly growing (and outgrowing).  I cannot keep him in clothes long enough. :)

Looking forward to all that month six has in store...

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