Monday, November 19, 2012

Scenes from the weekend...

Let me just start off by saying kudos to all you single mothers out there.  I don't know how you do it.  B had a 7am flight out to LA Friday morning and didn't get home until tonight.  I love my little man, but without a break or partner to help, it's hard work {but totally worth it.}.  We started off the weekend with a trip to the Prop Sale at Tweed on Friday to find goodies for G's birthday party {It's a red wagon theme with a vintage twist.} and did not leave empty-handed.  Now if I can just get the party to look as adorable as the inside of Tweed {oh to have that creative gift!}.  My little man and I picked up take-out {and a bottle of wine for mama}, and we were in for the night.  As much as I knew I would miss B, I was secretly so excited to catch up on my Real Housewives {Atlanta, Beverly Hills and Miami!}.  Saturday G picked up a new trick...becoming an early-riser up at 6:10am {he would trump this the next morning with a 5:45 wake-up call}.  As bummed as I was to look at the clock and see how early it was, I quickly turned my frown upside down when I walked into his room and saw that love dumpling just grinning back at me, so ready to start our day.  He is so entertaining these days.  Into everything! Loves to pull-up, crawl and try to stand on his own {won't be long!}.  We took a field trip to Michael's to pick up some necessities for a few party projects {trying to channel my inner Martha} all the while getting texts from B and all his new friends at the AMAs {yes, I was equally surprised Jenny McCarthy would even look his way with that nasty stache...all for "No Shave November"}.  As jealous as I was of the celebrity spotting and hobnobbing {and as tired as I was}, I really enjoyed the sweet time with my little man, just us.

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