Sunday, February 9, 2014

A challenge for myself...

A new friend asked me recently if I felt like blogging held me accountable. I answered, "Absolutely." I try and live up to the theme of this blog {celebrating the everyday} whether that's with fun pictures of parties, trips and happy moments or small victories like actually getting dressed instead of wearing yoga pants/leggings for the fourth day in a row. I also try to make sure that if I write about doing something or sharing something, I do. So in the spirit of accountability I am writing this post tonight.

Something that has really been weighing on my mind and heart lately are some words my mother-in-law shared with me years ago before I had kids. I wrote about them here, and her idea of "beating them up" is really ringing true with me these days. Her advice was to "beat your family up." Not physically, but each morning "beat them up" by waking up before them.  Wake up, get completely dressed and have quiet time before anyone else gets up, so that when they do you can pour yourself into them.

Oh how I have wanted to do this, but alas I just hit snooze each morning.

Lately at the end of the day {usually when B is getting home} I find myself stressed, irritable and cranky for really no good reason at all. It all seems to stem from this pity party I have for myself complaining there is no time in the day for me. Wow, how self-centered does that sound? But really, I always had this disillusion that stay at home moms had so much time, and while I've definitely had my eyes opened to recognizing this is a full-time job with very little free time, I know there are ways to make the most out of my time. Ways that I'm not taking advantage of. And the first is waking up and getting dressed. Yes, this is not some brilliant new idea. I know all of you who work outside of the home are reading this thinking, "Big stinking deal. I do this everyday." But for me, this will be a big deal. Thankfully I have boys who sleep in, but I am guilty of sleeping in too until they wake up which is usually around 7:30am or later. Also, thankfully I have an infant who sleeps through the night and has been for the last four months. There is no reason why I cannot wake up earlier. And here's the other deal, I really have become that mom that is running around town in black leggings. I used to laugh when I saw women wearing yoga pants or leggings and think you had to take off your pajamas to put that on, so why not just put on some real clothes? Well my answer to that self-righteous, pre-kids version of myself is, "those real clothes will quickly be covered in spit-up, and I need to be in something comfortable enough to chase after my wild toddler."

So here's my challenge to myself this week {and anyone else that's interested!}. Get up each morning by 5:30am. Have intentional quiet time. Shower and get dressed in "real clothes." Put on some sort of make-up and at least brush my hair {no hats allowed}. I am so hopeful this will lead to much more productivity and an all around better attitude. If anything I just hope one week of this will help me recognize and appreciate that everyday I'm given with my two sweet boys and B is an absolute gift that I never want to take for granted.

So I need you guys to hold me accountable. Hopefully by putting this out there and knowing someone might be reading this I won't be as tempted to hit snooze in the morning...or put back on my black leggings.


  1. Oh good! Cannot wait to hear how your week goes!

  2. Love this!! I keep telling myself to suck it up, put on my big girl panties, and just set the alarm (and actually get up when it goes off). Considering how greasy my hair is, I think tomorrow might be a good day to start! ;-)

    1. Ha! Dry shampoo is my best friend these days... :)

  3. Just wanted to let you know, I did it!...except I did wear leggings and a cute top. :-) Thanks for the encouragement! :-)

    1. Oh I'm SO glad! :) I have to say two days in, I'm feeling so much better! Here's hoping the rest of your week goes well. And by the way, you are super mom with your two precious ones!
