Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Get in the picture!

Ok all you moms out there…have you read this??
Allison Tate speaks such truth in this article.  I saw this post floating around Facebook the other day, and it really resonated with me.  But then last night I was looking over my post from yesterday.  Really?  Was I even there this weekend? J  I joke that George will think I was an absent mother because there will be no proof of me around during his early years.  Aside from not loving my hair, skin, body, etc. {insert anything and everything these days}, I actually want to be in the picture.  The problem, no photographer!  I swear I am the only one who takes pics.  Don’t get me wrong, I love being behind the camera {I can ensure no blurriness, capture the moment, etc.}, but I want documentation of these precious times with my little man.  My problem, I wait for the perfect moment.  I want the perfect picture with the perfect hair {does not exist!} and perfect smiles for all.  Well I am going to be picture-less if this is what I am waiting for. Ha!  So you know what I’ll take from Allison’s article, get in the picture when you can, ask others to snap some shots and in the meantime, be thankful for iPhone’s reverse camera.

It's bad hair, comfys and no make-up, but with that kid's smile, it's picture perfect in my eyes!

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