Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Scenes from the long weekend...

And I'm back! It's been forever, but we have been nonstop. Two crazy busy {but loads of fun} weekends with family visiting have kept me in constant motion. Last weekend our parents were here for Jude's baptism {post and pics on that coming soon!} and this weekend we had B's brother and his family in from Texas. Let me just say five kids five and under made for a chaotic but fun, memorable weekend. G loved playing with his cousins! Lots of time in the backyard complete with water fun and lots of sports, donuts on the porch to celebrate B's birthday, and a music festival with plenty of sno-cones all added up to a good time had by all. Now ready for a short week as B and I head out of town Thursday for one of my dearest friend's wedding!

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