Monday, December 16, 2013

Scenes from the weekend...

Croup plus two year molars is not a good combination.
Our poor G was down for the count this weekend.
So much so we had to cancel his birthday party.
We spent the weekend cuddled up on the couch and endured many Doras, Guppies and Mickeys.
In between coughing sessions, meltdowns and snot sessions, B and I were able to break away and enjoy a fabulous holiday party with some of our dearest friends.
As sad as I was to cancel his party {we rescheduled so stay tuned!}, I have to admit it was pretty nice to just have a relaxing weekend loving on my boys.
We are now back in full swing with a crazy week ahead.
G's birthday, Christmas program at school, last minute shopping and packing all to be ready for our road trip come Friday.
Bring it on!
It's the most wonderful time of the year...