Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Happy Birthday, George!

I have a two year old?
No way.
How can my little man be two??
They say the first year goes by so fast, but I have to say, I think the second year goes by even faster
{here's hoping this isn't the same for each year to come!}.
The first year was all about survival mode and milestones.
I laugh that we documented every month with a picture and update, and now I look back on this past year for G, and it's all a blur.
Luckily I've been journaling and documenting little bits here and there, plus emailing him often {yes, he has an email!}.
I want to soak up every moment with this little man because he is simply perfect in my eyes.
He has grown so much this past year, and I am so proud to call him my son.
He is sweet and loving.
He is gentle and cares for others.
He is funny.
Really funny.
He is a ham and loves to dance.
He thinks.
He is well-mannered.
He is the most amazing big brother.
He is smart.
He has an incredible vocabulary, and I could listen to him talk forever.
He is playful.
He plays by himself or with others and is content.
He has grown and continues to grow into the most beautifully well-rounded little boy.
He is all I could have dreamed of and so much more than I prayed he would become.
It is my prayer that each day he would continue to grow and know just how much he is loved.
Happy birthday, George! 


  1. Happy birthday!!!! He is so handsome. I email my daughter, too!!!! :)


    1. Aw thanks! I think the email is so fun and what a treat for them to look back on one day. :)

  2. So sweet Rachel, happy happy George Bolton! Cooper can't wait for another playdate!:)

    1. G says, "come to nashville Coop!" :) We will certainly miss you guys at Christmas!
